My Mom’s 70th birthday was October 11, 2013. To celebrate this special occasion, my sister and I tried to figure out how to honor her. When we thought about what most people instantly associate with her, we knew the answer was chocolate chip cookies.
I thought declaring her the patron saint of chocolate chip cookies would be perfect! Every saint has a prayer, legend, and candle, so I wrote and designed them! The legend is completely true except for a tiny bit of embellishment about the intervention of the Holy Mother. I bought blank holy candles and had wonderful stickers printed with her picture and the prayer, which we placed on the candles that we gave to all those who came to her party.
Mom was so honored and surprised. Our family has been so blessed by her exquisite examples of selfless love!
The Legend of Saint Mary Rebecca
On October 12, 1943, Mary Rebecca Lyon, the fifth child of Theodore and Elizabeth Lyon, made her way into this world. The angels rejoiced for they knew Mary Rebecca would grow to fulfill her sweet purpose.
As a child, Mary Rebecca was bright, curious, and energetic, with a love for adventures, horses, and art. In 1958, she married Kenneth Wayne Elliott, and they brought four children into the world.
Her devotion to faith and belief in God was strong—as was her sensitivity to others’ misery. This sensitivity was a difficult burden for Mary Rebecca, who sought relief. Each day, on the way to work in her car, she faithfully prayed a rosary for someone in need. At night, she lit holy candles and said prayers dedicated to those who were suffering. God listened and answered many of these prayers.
Her sweet purpose was not activated until Mary Rebecca became a grandmother. It was then, in the early 1980s, that Mary Rebecca answered the call of God through the deceivingly simple act of baking chocolate chip cookies. During the holy season each year, she was called to share sweetness with those she loved and souls in need of goodness in their lives. Each year, as the cookie list grew longer and longer, Mary Rebecca became more overwhelmed by the task of baking thousands of cookies. Her sweet purpose had become ever more demanding.
One year, she lost faith, was weary, and decided she could no longer bake cookies. When those lucky enough to be on the annual list heard this sad news, they grieved and then prayed for intercession, asking for just one more cookie.
No one knows what happened, but the legend says that the Divine Mother interceded in Mary Rebecca’s dreams and told her that God was counting on her. It was God’s will that she continue to share sweetness, love, and goodness with others in need through the disguise of her delicious chocolate chip cookies. Thankfully, Mary Rebecca heeded the direction God gave her and vowed to continue her sweet purpose until the time when she passed her holy apron on to her grandchildren.
In celebration of her 70th birthday, the angels rejoiced when her family officially recognized Mary Rebecca as the Patron Saint of Chocolate Chip Cookies.